Friday, December 22, 2006

Camille and Shawn...

I have just finished up with Camille and Shawn's package and have it in to the printer. Julie had shot this wedding so I don't know much about their day except what I've seen in the photos. It looks like they had alot of fun with their pictures at the Museum and the Chateau Louis. I do know that they are a very nice couple and it was a pleasure meeting with them both to book their package and to view their photos. I wish them much happiness in their future together.

So up next in the retouching line-up is Sophie and Dwayne. Theirs is a larger package so it will take me a little bit to finish it up. They also have a brag book in at the printers that we are still waiting for as well.

I probably won't post again before Christmas so I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!! I hope you all have a happy and safe celebration.

Boxing day I'm off to do a family portrait. I have been meeting with quite a few upcoming bride and grooms and the 2007 season is almost half booked. I am excited to be included in so many happy occasions! Thank you!

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