Thursday, May 31, 2007

Great weather!

I am soo enjoying this wonderful weather we are getting. My bride for this weekend told me she ordered in straight from the big guy and it seems he got to filling that order in a big way. Realistically I am praying, myself, for a bit of cloud - it just gives the sky more interest in the pics :)
I went for a walk around Beaumaris Lake yesterday to get some exercise without going to the gym - it was just too nice to be stuck indoors. It was refreshing to have 75% of the people walking by say good morning. How friendly folks are when the sun is shining and they are enjoying nature. Once again I thought about how I would love to do some pics at this lake, there are some great little nooks around it that just call out for some photographing.
I have finished retouching Kim and Geoff's wedding pics and they are now in at the lab. Along with getting this APEGGA scrapbook done I will start up on Candace and Ray's pics.
Oh yeah, I wanted to give a little plug for Candace and Ray as they own - the fun way I heard about it was at their reception when the mc for the evening had decided that he needed to insert a minimum for 4 shameless plugs. It was all in good humor and everyone had to laugh when he threw the web name into his speeches.

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