Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Erin & Davin...

This past Saturday was the wedding date of the century. 7/7/7 became one of the most famous wedding dates ever. We shared the day with Erin and Davin. It was a beautiful day for a wedding - the weather was in full cooperation. We travelled to the museum grounds after the ceremony along with alot of other couples. Luckily we arrived in perfect timing to nab my favorite corner for family shots. As we finished up in the corner another bridal party took it over and we moved on to some of my other favorite spots. We ended up with some fabulous photos as you can see here. Of course I have also created a sneak peek slide show with a few more of my favorites as well. I hope you enjoy it....Erin and Davin's Slideshow. Thank you to Erin and Davin for including us in their special day. We had alot of fun working with the both of you.

On Sunday we (my family) went out to Ma Me O Beach for a special anniversary photo shoot. We met up with another photographer who joined us to "trash the dress". What is "Trash the Dress" you may be asking? Well, I came across the concept online quite awhile ago and thought it to be a great idea - contrary to many of my friends whom I have discussed it with. It is when you go out in your wedding gown anytime after the ceremony - be it the day after or in our case 10 years after - and get as outrageous as you'd like in it. There are no limits - no boundaries - cause you really don't plan on wearing the dress again. I love my wedding dress and have only worn it the one time. I have 2 boys and there are no plans to "pass it on" now, besides I remember how fun it was trying on dresses and finding the "perfect" one. I'm sure my grand-daughter will take great joy in this as well. It was custom designed for me and luckily still fits as it did 10 years ago. I was soo excited to wear it again for this photo shoot and as I thought about the fun stuff we could do, Ma Me O came to my mind. I LOVE the shots that we took that day!! It is rare that I like shots of myself but I am very proud to show these off! Omari shot for us - the second photographer that joined us was Mark Pawlyszyn, he was fabulous to work with and even got me talked into jumping off the pier for an amazing shot he took. Here are a couple of my favorite shots from Omari's camera...

What a fun experience this was. I will need to add the trash the dress session to my pricing list and if any of you out there get adventurous enough to try it out...I'd love to be there with you! I must add - contrary to the title the dress is not really trashed at all. Full of bugs and sand but after examination I'm sure with a good drycleaner it is still completely usable. Hummm, maybe it needs some more trashing :P

This weekend is our one weekends off for the summer. Somehow it didn't get booked and I must admit it is a nice break, although the boys have talked me into setting up a garage sale. They are anxious to buy a basketball hoop and I told them that they must pay for it - so there are a bunch of toys being sold. If you'd like to stop in and say HI, I'd love to see you. The address is 116 Warwick Crescent, Edmonton and I'm running the garage sale on Friday and Saturday from 10 am - 8 pm. I also have an e-session that got rained out that I will be shooting on Friday night (Omari will have to babysit the garage sale for me). Looking forward to some good weather....

The retouching list is beginning to grow again. I am currently working on Angela and Greg's pics. I will be picking up Rosangla and Gerhard's from the photofinishers tomorrow. I will keep you updated as to who is next and so on.

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