Saturday, March 01, 2008

Cindy & Jason

Last weekend I had the opportunity to meet with Cindy and Jason. We took some really cute photos to celebrate their engagement. The Edmonton Legislative Building was the location of choice and they brought along their canine kid to include too. It was a little chilly outside but of course we had a great time, I liked how they packed a change of clothes to for 2 different looks. Thanks for including me in this special time Cindy and Jason, it was a pleasure!

This upcoming week I am on a last minute trip to Cuba. In preparation for the weddings coming up, I hope to get a little R&R while I'm there. Along with some shooting, I plan on taking a few strolls along the beach. I'll be sure to post some fabulous images when I return. I will have my cell with me and will also be checking my emails regularily if you need to contact me.

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