Friday, August 01, 2008

Love - Crissy & Alan

On Sunday, Crissy and Alan celebrated their love by getting married. This couple had a bit of a rocky start to their day but it went uphill from there. We ended up with some fabulous weather and I was soo thankful cause we had some great outdoor shots that we wanted to try out. This couple have 4 beautiful kids in their family already and it was sweet how they were all included in the ceremony. We had fun cause Crissy and Alan were pretty much open to all our suggestions and even had a few of their own - I love this kinda couple. They got passionate pretty easy and the shots show how great they look together. We did the whole day at the Hotel MacDonald - getting ready, ceremony and reception. The Hotel Mac is such a beautiful venue, I always love shooting there. After some family and bridal party pics at the hotel we headed out with our couple to Starbucks - their favorite coffee shop. We took the long way there through one of my favorite back alley's, got them to hang out in a phone booth for awhile and even stopped to kiss in the middle of the road :)
Thank you for including us, we really enjoyed capturing a bit of your love. We wish you soo many more years together with lots of passion! Here is a sneak peek to a few more of your images....Crissy and Alan's Slideshow.

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