Monday, February 18, 2008

Promo Video

Omari and I had a presentation we did at the University awhile ago. Unfortunately we had a few technical glitches so it didn't go as smoothly as we would have liked. I thought I would share the promo video that I made to show there.
Check it out here....
Thank you to all those lovely clients who provide us with model releases to make this stuff possible :)

I had a fantabulous time scrapbooking this past weekend. I haven't work on my own family photos for about a year now and that was way too long for me. I went to a great event which is held once a year called Scrappin for Scouts - and they raise funds to help out one of the local scouting groups. It was a success as it has been in the past and I was really happy to be one of the teachers at the event. Everyone was able to sign up for 2 free classes and I enjoyed the 2 I attended. In one we made a cute 2 page spread and in the other we made the cutest little wooden book ever. I am having trouble now deciding if I should fill it with photos and give it away as a gift or keep it for myself!
I heard about and signed up for another fundraising scrapbooking event in May. It is going to be held over the National Scrapbook Day weekend and all the proceeds will be donated back to Y.E.S.S (Youth Emergency Shelter Society). For more info check out Let me know if you plan on attending, it would be great if they could sell out this event! They will also be holding some great classes there and I will be teaching one again.

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